This guy's luck really did run out

Herman "The Baron" Lamm is hailed as the father of the modern bank robbery system, a system so professional and successful, at least in the 1920's in the United States that even the police were occasionally moved to admiration.

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On December 19, 1922 a certain gang, headed or inspired by Lamm, relieved the Federal Mint in downtown Denver of $200,000 in ninety seconds flat, which at the time became the most lucrative bank heist in history.

Born in Germany in 1880, Lamm started out as a holdup man, after serving and being expelled from the Prussian Army and emigrating to the US. He robbed people and occasionally some banks - then he ended up in prison.

It was while he was in prison in 1917 that he conceived a new system of bank robbery. His greatest breakthrough?

Lamm decided that robbing a bank wasn't about guns and brute force, but technique... and preparation, more preparation, and yet more preparation.

He evolved a system where robbing a bank is backed by CIA-standard intel, and practiced and rehearsed with great attention to detail, much like the Navy SEALs do today before attacking a high profile target.

Lamm's system, which came to be known as the Baron Lamm Technique worked very well, and between 1919 and 1930 it brought him thousands, maybe millions of dollars from banks across the United States.

A luck guy, right?

But then, in spite of the scrupulous preparation, Lamm's luck did finally run out - and very spectacularly too.

As Daniel Coyle recounts it in his awesome book, The Talent Code, Lamm died in 1930 when he encountered a series of events so improbable that even he could not have anticipated them...

The Baron plus three members of his gang were getting away from a bank in Clinton, Indiana, after a successful heist when their getaway car blew a tire. The gang then commandeered another car, but it was equipped with a governor that prevented it from going faster than 35 miles per hour. They then commandeered a third car, but it suffered a radiator leak.

Lamm and his gang then commandeered a fourth car, but it's tank contained only one gallon of gas!

And so, after a short chase, and the surrender of two members of his gang, Lamm, who as you can imagine was hugely incredulous at the turn that events had taken, was short dead, along with his driver, by the police.

Have you felt unlucky lately regarding one or all your goals, when things didn't go your way? Don't despair... it could be worse.

Hang in there and try all your options. Attack your problem from all possible angles and see if you can forge ahead. Just don't go and attempt a bank heist!

You can also try and create your own luck...

Jack Canfield believes that people can make their own luck by great preparation and good strategy. And you can't help but believe him when he says that. Do you know what Jack Canfield says about getting the things you want in life? He says:

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. ~ Jack Canfield
Pretty simple, eh? Jack Canfield as you may know is big on attracting wealth and leveraging visualization to get what you want in life. He has a record for selling one million copies of his books in a single day. He also has a record for having 7 of his books on the New York Times Bestseller list on the same day!
And as you can imagine he's darn lucky... but he puts it all down to wealth attraction, visualization, and the little elbow grease he puts into writing those books.

Interested in creating your own luck? I thought you might be...

If you're interested in creating your own luck I can't think of a better teacher than Brian Tracy. He says:

When you have intensity of purpose, you can dramatically increase the probabilities of being the right person in the right place at the right time.
Read more here how you can create your own luck.

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