How to Become a Serial Achiever in 2020

I love the term – “serial achiever”. It's cute, like 2020.You probably know someone in your own life that steadily goes from success to success. The fact is, success leads to more success.You see, when you have one success in hand,you can Build forward momentum and then ride on it to greater successes in other areas of your life. Like the story of this Russian pole vault champion 

At the Athens Olympics in 2004, one of the competitors in the pole vault event, Yelena Isinbayeva of Russia, won her gold medal. Her jump beat all the others, and with that her future place in history was assured.

But rather than let the matter rest there, this high-achieving lady had the bar reset – for the world record. She had never before cleared the bar at that height in competition, and she was under no responsibility to do so now. Other contenders may have just walked away, content with their gold medal.
how to keep on succeeding - and winning to achieve your goals

Not Yelena. She had the bar reset to the world record, and then proceeded to sail right over it, seemingly as easy as if the bar were set a foot or so lower.

She chose not to settle for mediocrity. This woman challenged herself, pushed herself, prodded herself, and gained a place in the record books as a result. She is one of only nine athletes (along with Valerie Adams, Usain Bolt, Veronica Campbell-Brown, Jacques Freitag, Kirani James, Jana Pittman, Dani Samuels, and David Storl) to win world championships at the youth, junior, and senior level of an athletic event. 

At only 22, this was her seventh world record that year, although, according to BBC Sport, “she had been in tears on the verge of catastrophe only minutes earlier” when she achieved this breakthrough.
When you go for your lofty goals – and the not so lofty – you need to adopt that "never say die" mentality. You need to always ensure that you're not settling for "just good enough."

In 2020, why don't you make it a habit to piggyback your successes one on top of the other? One small success can create positive momentum that keeps you in a successful state of mind, and motivated to go for your other goals. If you can nail down two successes in quick succession, you just might become unstoppable!

Here's a great tip...

Every morning make it a habit in 2020 to start your day on an upswing, by leveraging this simple technique taught by John Kehoe (How To Train The Mind To Attract What You Desire). It works great for creating a success vibration that reverberates all day long, attracting more successes to it…

Create a list of anywhere from 3 to 50 things that make you feel good and successful NOW. They don’t have to be big achievements either. Do you feel you make a great omelet? Do you know how to close a business deal? Do you think you are a good parent? Do you dress well? Are you a safe driver? Or a good friend?

Create your list of these things that make you feel good and successful… then, every day for 5 minutes, starting with this great day, go over this list and feel really good and successful about who and what your are NOW.

This is a simple and very powerful technique for starting your day on a success vibration... and it could make you a serial achiever in 2020. Imagine this, if you can have a great start to your day, you multiply your chances of having a very successful day. And if you can have a successful day today, you are likely to have a successful day tomorrow. Before you know it you've had a successful week, a successful month, a successful year.

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