
Welcome to SmartsNewsletter.com. The big idea behind this website is to provide free and fun daily snippets of information, commentary or opinion to keep you motivated so you can make smart choices and decisions all day long to keep you on track to achieve your cherished goals.

Someone said, I guess it was Michael Bolduc in :The Power of Motivation:, that today we all know what to do and what it takes to become very successful. The internet is awash with all the information you can ever need. He said what most people don't know, or what we don't "get" is how to stay motivated to do what it takes to become very successful.

I decided to read something everyday to kickstart my motivation for the day. Then I decided, why not summarize these nuggets and insights and put them up on a blog for everybody that can benefit from them?

S.M.A.R.T.S is my acronym for Self Motivation for Accelerated Results and/or Transformation for Success. I have a background in computer support, and the computer industry, as you may know, loves acronyms!😁

Maintaining a daily posting schedule for the newsletter and a blog is not a small undertaking, but then, I’m always motivated by a desire to help others… 

When the HIV/AIDS epidemic first hit, back in the early 90’s and was killing thousands of people a day in my country, I decided I had to do something about it. Fresh out of college, I wrote “Vanishing Shadows”, a small novel. I had a message for young adults like myself (at the time) and I wanted it out – FAST!

Still, that book went on to win runner-up position for the Best First Published Novel (Africa), the Commonwealth Fiction Prize, 1996. I like to add that I lost to a South African professor of literature.😁 He walked away with all the prize money for the category, £1,000. As the runner-up I earned a write-up for my book by the panel of judges, which you can read here.

In some schools in East and Central Africa Vanishing Shadows became required reading and I guess I helped save a few lives…

I hope the content on this site and the newsletter mailings will help you become more successful than you are now. I always like to do a great job, so, please feel free to advise me and encourage me whenever you feel like it...

I suggest that you sign up to receive my daily mailings. That's where the fun starts! The sign up link is available at the top of the page.

Welcome, and Go For It!

Namige Kayondo

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